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Disfunzione Erettile

Viagra Soft Flavored

Principio attivo: sildenafil Disponibilità: disponibile (121 pacchi)

Viagra Soft Flavored - chewing tablet viagra, which has a mint taste and differs from usual viagra by mode of administration and speed of effect. Unlike usual viagra - Viagra Soft Flavored should be resolved or chewed. So at administration of drug it is possible to take alcohol and greasy food that is not recommended at taking of any other type of viagra. The effect of Viagra Soft Flavored comes in 30 minutes after reception, and lasts for 4 hours.

Viagra Soft Flavored, 100mg


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Viagra Soft Flavored Description

Viagra Soft Flavored is a unique medicine which betters the potency of a man. Presented in the form of chewing tablets, usually of a mint flavor. That also may be the dragees which can be dissolved in the oral cavity. That brings a faster outcome and the ability to consume alcoholic beverages simultaneously. Viagra Soft is ideal for the elderly men who have many chronic organ diseases and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Often, people who obtain Viagra Soft buy those tabs as they plan a hot party, where a certain amount of alcohol will be drunk. Also, the one man chooses to consume Viagra Soft who does not want to experience side effects from a classic Viagra pill. The manifestation of the majority of adverse reactions takes place, not due to the fact that the dominant substance Sildenafil does not pass through the digestive tract, it immediately enters the blood through the mucous membrane, but due to an overdosage.

Viagra Soft Flavored Safety Information

The continuation of the result does not differ from the one of a classical tablet version - 5 - 8 hours. Take 1 tablet 40 minutes before sex, and you will find out what is a hard erection. It is allowed for the consumption by men after 65 years. Sildenafil does not carry any harmful effect on the organs and systems, as well as on spermatozoa. Thanks to the fact that Viagra gives a headache, the pharmacists, for this reason, decided to release a soft version of a classic pill, which is absorbed much faster and does not cause strong adverse reactions. Refuse to take such a the medical preparation like Viagra Soft if you have found out that you have fibrosis, cirrhosis, severe kidney disease, unstable angina.

Viagra Soft Flavored Side Effects

Remember that the medicine leads to a very good increase in the resistance of the erection, and therefore there is no need to combine it with other similar products. Also, alcoholic beverages and fatty foods in moderate amounts cannot interfere with the quality effect. The continuation of the action should be not more than 8 hours. Do not take the pills one by one, it can cause severe adverse reactions like headaches, changes in light perception, redness of the cheeks.

According to numerous studies it has been proved that the substance acts selectively, that is, it betters the blood flow only in the genital organs. If you take several pills at once, this will not increase the effect proportionately, but will only cause a painful headache. Remember, the tablet can be cut into pieces if 100 mg is too much for you. This method is also suitable for those who are inclined to save money.

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